17 10 月 2024, 周四


Using a network of telescopes scattered across the globe, including the Danish 1.5-m telescope at ESO La Silla (Chile), astronomers discovered a new extrasolar planet significantly more Earth-like than any other planet found so far. The planet, which is only about 5 times as massive as the Earth, circles its parent star in about 10 years. It is the least massive exoplanet around an ordinary star detected so far and also the coolest. The planet most certainly has a rocky/icy surface. Its discovery marks a groundbreaking result in the search for planets that support life.

天文学家利用遍布全球的望远镜网络,包括位于智利拉西拉欧洲南方天文台的丹麦 1.5 米望远镜,发现了一颗新的系外行星,它比迄今为止发现的任何其他行星都更像地球。这颗行星的质量仅为地球的 5 倍左右,绕其母星公转一圈大约需要 10 年。它是迄今为止发现的绕普通恒星公转的质量最小、温度最低的系外行星。这颗行星的表面肯定是岩石/冰层。它的发现标志着寻找支持生命的行星的突破性成果。

By jacky